When people find out I'm a former News Anchor and Reporter, there are usually two questions that come up: (1) Why did you get out of the business? and (2) Why did you go into it?
Well -- the short answer to the first question is this: Money & Family. Being a News Anchor and/or reporter is always taxing on family life. In addition, unless you're really, really, really good -- and willing to start out in places like Florence, SC and stations in Montana -- then you're not going to get paid very much.
The answer to the second question? That usually takes a little longer to explain. Check out this clip from WRAL-TV 5 News on November 28, 1988. I've always considered some of my best work Breaking News. This clip I recorded on that day in 1988 (one of my friends now has the tapes -- which I wished he'd return). I still get goose bumps when I watch the beginning of this newscast.
It starts with a young 27-year-old Donna Gregory (now at MSNBC) and transitions to a stellar field anchoring job by the WRAL icon, Charlie Gaddy.
This tragedy -- and broadcasting's impact on bringing a community together is why I got in the business. And ... it's videos like this one that make me cherish the opportunity I had to live my dream.
Editor's Note: I've been preoccupied with some things recently. I'll be getting back to daily blogs very soon!